We take great pride in providing our customers with the finest furniture at the most competitive prices and free shipping sitewide. Prior to the delivery process, all our furniture undergoes thorough inspections to ensure it is in excellent condition. If you choose to pick up the product, we strongly recommend carefully examining it before accepting it.
Our first priority is your pleasant shopping, that is what we work extremely hard to ensure. Our shipping options are straightforward and affordable for all orders to any destination within the contiguous United States. please note that we only ship to the main area of the united states, not including Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. Learn more about our range of shipping and delivery options, and choose the method that’s right for you:

Standard Shipping Cost Of All Products:

Free Shipping for Curbside Delivery
White glove delivery service includes bringing your items from the truck into your home, unpacking the merchandise and removing all packaging materials and debris (unrelated household waste removal not included). If you need white glove service, you can check the corresponding service option when you purchase the product or contact our customer service team. If this service is available, you need to pay an additional fee. Please note that with white glove service, the packaging will be remove and disposed of. In case you need to return the item, please retain the original packaging.

White Glove Delivery Pricing:
The white glove service fee is $199.
Note: White Glove service is only available for residences with an elevator.

Your order will be shipped via LTL freight carrier, the order will be left at the curb at the end of your driveway. The LTL freight carrier may contact you to schedule a delivery appointment. Please be present for the delivery of your order. Delivery of the order from the curb to the inside of a home or business is the customer's responsibility.

You can track the date of your estimated delivery via the link sent to you in your shipping confirmation email, or you can sign up for text updates from a link in this same email.

If you have special delivery requests, please contact us as soon as you place the order so we can do our best to accommodate accordingly.

Here’s the deal: we want to send you your 25HOME creation as soon as possible but we are not willing to compromise craftsmanship (sorry, we’re not sorry). Remember, everything that comes from us is custom which means we are not pulling it off of a shelf and giving it a quick dust. That being said, if you have a guest coming into town whom you need to impress, let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Please refer to your Order Confirmation email for the most accurate manufacturing time estimate noted in business days.


All orders normally leave the warehouse in 2 business days.
Totally depends on where you want us to send it as our Sofa Stork only has so many speeds. As much as we hope you got a chuckle out of that, we know you’re not satisfied so here you go… We ship everything we make from the Sacramento area. Shipping times differ based on the type of shipment and the destination. Assuming there are no earthquakes or snowstorms, a parcel shipment should take about 3-5 business days/7-10business days/10-15 business days (according to the nearest warehouse from your delivery address )

You can log into your account at any time to see your order history and the status of any orders that you have placed. As soon as your order ships, we’ll send you a confirmation email that will contain tracking & carrier information. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for SMS updates on your phone.

If you need to change your address after placing an order please get in touch with us ASAP to make sure we edit the info in our system before it ships. Keep in mind that once your shipment is on the way, it gets a lot more difficult to reroute it. That being said, we’ll do whatever we can to assist however you may be responsible for rerouting charges.

Please inspect your package as soon as it arrives to ensure it didn’t get beat up on the ride in. We make a valiant effort to prevent this with our specialized packaging but we can’t ever know what goes down between our door and yours. In the event that your 25HOME product has incurred damages of any kind, please reach out to us within 48 hours of delivery.

If you plan to return your order for any reason, we ask that you do so with the original packaging, padding materials included. Note that within the 30-day return period, original packaging is required for returns. Outside of the first 30 days, returns made without the original packaging may be subject to additional costs, which will be subtracted from your refund.

Take a few deep breaths, pour yourself a drink—light or dark, doesn’t matter, and once you’ve gathered yourself, snap a few pics of the problem (including the packaging) and send them over to us. We’ll get it taken care of. Deep breaths, remember?

Please take care that all damages are reported within 48 hours of delivery to facilitate an easy return. Send us the details via, or use our contact form.

This should not happen but we all have our days. In the unlikely event that you find your order is missing something, reach out to us as soon as you can so that we can get you what you need as soon as possible. We won’t keep you waiting.